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Event List

March 2025
Unfussy Book Club with Jill
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM     Wed, Mar 19, 2025

Typical book clubs have you read a book, which can cause unwanted pressure, stress, and guilt!
Yes they can be fun, but sometimes not for everyone. Sometimes people don't show up or even lie a little about reading the latest monthly choice, because either they didn't like it or simply did not have time.
Well, our friend Jill, sees things a little different and wanted to partner with us to create a "Seriously Unfussy" Book Club for our Bunnycup Fam.
The goal is to make you excited to show up with your book/books, sip some wine, make some new friends, and most of all have fun talking about BOOKS!
Here is how it works:
Bring a few must-read book titles that you love and have read. You don't HAVE to bring the physical books but we encourage people to bring some of their favs to loan out to our book club members.
We will discuss, sip wine, and chat about why certain books have impacted us or why they have simply made us bored.
If you want to join in on the shinanigans simply RSVP "Going" to this face book event so we have an idea of how many will be joining us then dust off that book shelf, grab some books, and come make some new friends and drink wine!
N/A beverages and beer available for purchase.
This group is free.
Starts at 6:00
Tasting room opens at 4:00

Unfussy Puzzle Competition
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM     Sun, Mar 23, 2025
Venue: Bunnycup Winery
Contact: Chelsey Foeller ,

Puzzle Competition.
You and your team compete for the grand prize.
First to assemble the puzzle wins.
4 max per team.
8 teams.
Email with your team name to grab a spot.
We will have some laughs

April 2025
Unfussy Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt!
6:30 PM to 8:30 PM     Fri, Apr 18, 2025
Venue: Bunnycup Winery

Bunnycup Winery's first annual Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt for kids!

Bring your own flashlight and get ready to let the kids run and hunt for eggs in  the dark!

Adult "eggs" and wine specials as well!